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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Puccini: Turandot [Maazel] [Arthaus] Blu-ray disc

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Puccini: Turandot [Maazel] [Arthaus]
Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924)
Katia Ricciarelli (szoprán), Marton Éva (szoprán), Heinz Zednik (tenor), Helmut Wildhaber (tenor), José Carreras (tenor), Robert Kerns (tenor), Waldemar Kmentt (tenor), John Paul Bogart (basszus), Kurt Rydl (basszus), Perencz Béla (ének), Vienna Boys' Choir (fiúkórus), Harold Prince (rendező), Rodney Greenberg (rendező), Bécsi Állami Opera Zenekara (zenekar), Lorin Maazel (karmester)
első megjelenés éve: 2008

Blu-ray disc
5.889 Ft 


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Lorin Maazel and a dream cast of distinguished singers, among them the young Eva Marton and Jose Carreras in his mid-thirties, perform a celebrated staging of Puccini's 'Turandot'.

The performance was received with unanimous enthusiasm. Lorin Maazel scored a great personal success with audience and critics alike with passion, authority and brilliance in his conducting.

The Hungarian soprano Eva Marton brought to the title role a voice of gleaming metal in which one senses the beautiful woman lying in wait to defeat her opponent but is also aware of her fears of man in general. Appearing alongside her as Calaf was Jose Carreras whose "unprecedented intensity" and "priceless tenor voice" were once again at the fore.

Katia Ricciarelli was no less acclaimed in her role as "the best of all possible Lius".

Sound Format: PCM Stereo
Picture Format: 4:3
Original Language: IT
Subtitles: IT, GB, DE, FR, ES
Running Time: 139 mins
Resolution: 1080i High Definition (Upscale)
Blu-ray Disc 25 GB (Single Layer)
FSK: 0
Region: worldwide
Worldwide available

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