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The Queers Are Here
The Queers
első megjelenés éve: 2005
64 perc
Rock / Punk-Pop / Punk Revival / Alternative Pop / Rock

DVD video
4.130 Ft 


Kiveszem a kosaramból!
1.  I Spent the Rent
2.  Nothing to Do
3.  This Place Sucks
4.  Hi Mom It's Me
5.  Don't Back Down
6.  Night of the Livid Queers
7.  Blabbermouth
8.  Ursula Finally Has Tits
9.  Like a Parasite
10.  We'd Have a Riot Doing Heroin
11.  Terminal Rut
12.  Fagtown
13.  Wimpy Drives Through Harlem
14.  I Only Drink Bud
15.  Ben Weasel
16.  You're Tripping
17.  Granola Head
18.  Fuck the World
19.  Debra Jean
20.  Tamara Is a Punk
21.  I Live This Life
22.  Drop the Attitude Fucker
23.  I Can't Get Over You
24.  Brush Your Teeth
25.  Definitely
26.  Noodlebrain
27.  Punk Rock Girls
28.  Sidewalk Surfer Girl
World tours from '93 to '05, interviews, music videos and an unreleased animated video on their 1st DVD!

Welcome to the wild world of the Queers on their very first DVD! It features footage of all the live energy and behind-the-scenes craziness of the Queers on tour around the world circa '93 to '05. Also included are interviews, music videos, and an unreleased animated video. You'll witness all the different lineups with Hubie, Bface, Wimpy, Danny Vapid and a cast of others. "Its been about 20 years since the first 7 was released, so we figured it was time for a DVD. Besides being able to play with so many great bands, it has been awesome to make friends all over the world from Japan to Brazil to Europe and beyond." -Joe Queer
hangsávokangol (DD 2.0)
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régiókód   [ NTSC ]
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képarány1.33:1 (4:3 / TV)

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