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Django Music
Hot Club de Norvége
első megjelenés éve: 2008

4.901 Ft 


Kiveszem a kosaramból!
1.  I Can't Give You
2.  Blue Drag
3.  Manoir De Mes Reves
4.  Karius & Baktus
5.  Echo
6.  Joseph, Joseph
7.  Coquette
8.  My Heart Belongs To Daddy
9.  Tears
10.  David
11.  Nuages
12.  Swing 42
13.  Danse Norvegienne

Hot Club De Norvege
Per Frydenlund (vocals, guitar); Jon Larsen (guitar); Finn Hauge (violin, harmonica); Svein Aarbostad (bass instrument)

After many years of experiments with string arrangements together with the Hot Club music, the pioneers of Hot Club de Norvège is now once again focusing on the pure string jazz quartet, and the original Django music. This Hot Club band has been constantly on the road since the 70-ies, and is becoming veterans in the genre - touring world wide. On this new CD they perform a marvelous blend of famous Django standards (Tears, Nuages, Swing 42), and less known melodies (Blue Drag, Echo, My Heart Belongs To Daddy). Their sound is more crystal clear than ever before, and their interplay would be impossible without 29 years on the road together. Living legends - and here's their best CD ever!

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