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Let's Take It to The Stage
első megjelenés éve: 1975
(2005)   [ + BONUS ]

4.305 Ft 


Kiveszem a kosaramból!
1.  Good To Your Earhole
2.  Better By The Pound
3.  Be My Beach
4.  No Head No Backstage Pass
5.  Let's Take It To The Stage
6.  Get Off Your Ass And Jam
7.  Baby I Owe You Something Good
8.  Stuffs And Things
9.  The Song Is Familiar
10.  Atmosphere
11.  Baby I Owe You Something Good
Single Version, Bonus Track
Recorded At United Sound Studios, At Hollywood Sound Recorders.

Bass, Vocals - C "Boogie" Mosson, Sting-Ray Davis,
Guitar - Mike Hammond,
Guitar, Vocals - Gary "DoWop" Shider,
Keyboards, Vocals - " Bad Bosco " Bernie Worrell,
Percussion - R. Tiki Fulwood,
Performer [Alumni Funkadelic] - Billy Bass, Bootsie, E. Hazel, Ron Bykowski,
Performer [Guest] - Parliament,
Producer - C. Fuzzy Haskins (track: 11), George Clinton (tracks: 1 to 10), Ray Davis (track: 11),
Producer, Arranged By - Bernie Worrell (track: 11),
Vocals [Genie Vocals] - "Shady" Grady Thomas,
Vocals [Werewolf Vocals] - Clarence "Fuzzy" Haskins,
Vocals, Congas - " Cool " Cal Simon.

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