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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Flashbacks - Live 1995-1998[ ÉLŐ ] CD

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Flashbacks - Live 1995-1998 [ ÉLŐ ]
Alien Sex Fiend
első megjelenés éve: 2001

Kiveszem a kosaramból!
1.  Hurricane Fighter Plane
2.  I Walk The Line
3.  E.S.T. (Trip To The Moon)
4.  On A Mission
5.  In And Out Of My Mind
6.  Get Into It
7.  Now I'm Feeling Zombiefied
8.  Garbage
Crew - Andy Roberts, Chris O'B, JB, Mike Alexander, Sir Moz, Toby,
Drum Machine, Sampler, Keyboards - Mrs Fiend,
Guitar - Dave Dearnaley,
Lead Vocals - Nik Fiend,
Producer, Compiled By Alien Sex Fiend.

Compiled and produced at The Padded Cell, Psychic Sound and Spectrumsound Studios.

Track 1 recorded at the Zillo Festival, Russelsheim, Germany '95 ,
Tracks 2 & 3 recorded at the Capitol Ballroom, Washington DC, USA '98,
Tracks 4 & 6 recorded at the Dracfest, Whitby, UK '97,
Track 5 recorded at the Babylon, Munich, Germany '97,
Tracks 7 & 8 recorded at the Firedance II, Rock City, Nottingham, UK '97.

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