Let The Music Play - The Barry White Story [ ÉLŐ ] |
Barry White |
első megjelenés éve: 2007 73 perc |
Soul / R&B |
DVD video |
Kérjen árajánlatot! |
1. | Let's get together
2. | In the beginning
3. | Hollywood
4. | The A&R man
5. | Under the influence of love
6. | Orchestrating success
7. | Prolific
8. | Ecstasy
9. | Discipline and family
10. | A&M
11. | The final chapter
12. | Staying power *
13. | You're the first the last my everything *
14. | I'm gonna love you just a little bit more baby *
15. | The craftsman *
16. | Let the music play *
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