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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Hallucino-Genetics - Live 2004[ ÉLŐ ] DVD video

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Hallucino-Genetics - Live 2004 [ ÉLŐ ]
első megjelenés éve: 2004
155 perc

DVD video
Kiveszem a kosaramból!
1.  Sgt. Baker
2.  American Life
3.  My Friend Fats
4.  Jerry Was A Race Car Driver
5.  The Last Superpower aka Rapscallion
6.  My Name Is Mud
7.  Southbound Pachyderm
8.  To Defy The Laws Of Tradition
9.  Groundhog's Day
10.  Too Many Puppies
11.  Mr. Knowitall
12.  Frizzle Fry
13.  John The Fisherman
14.  You Can't Kill Michael Malloy
15.  The Toys Go Winding Down
16.  Pudding Time
17.  Sathington Willoughby
18.  Drum And Whamola Jam
19.  Spegetti Western
20.  Harold Of The Rocks
21.  To Defy
22.  The Pressman
Primus, arguably one of the most influential bands of modern rock, return to the stage with the original lineup of Les Claypool, Larry LaLonde and Tim Alexander, performing one set of hand picked live favourites and their classic album Frizzle Fry in its entirety.

Filmed in June 2004 at Chicago's Aragon Ballroom, this final show of the 'Hallucino-Genetics' tour demonstrates the unique and powerful musical interplay of one of rock's premier three-piece bands captured at their live peak.

Set One: 1-7. tracks
Set Two - Frizzle Fry: 8-22. tracks

The Group:
Larry LaLonde - Guitar
Tim "Herb" Alexander - Drums
Les Claypool - Bass
hangsávokangol (PCM)
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régiókód   [ PAL ]
Fontos információ a régiókódokról!
képarány1.33:1 (4:3 / TV)

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