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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Phase 2 - Slow Boat to Hades (2DVD) [PAL] DVD video

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Phase 2 - Slow Boat to Hades (2DVD) [PAL]
első megjelenés éve: 2006
(2006)   [ + CD ]

2 x DVD video
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1. DVD video tartalma:
1.  Intro Sequence
Phase 2: Slow Boat To Hades
2.  Feel Good Inc
3.  DARE
Radio Edit Version
4.  Dirty Harry
5.  El Manana
6.  Feel Good Inc (Animatic)
7.  DARE (Animatic)
8.  Dirty Harry
Animatic With Dirty Harry Instrumental
9.  El Manana (Animatic)
10.  The Swagga
11.  Bill Murray
12.  Spitting Out The Demons
13.  Kids With Guns
14.  People
15.  Samba At 13
16.  Murdoc Is God
17.  Demon Days Album Advert
18.  Demon Days Live DVD Advert
19.  November Has Come
Manchester Visual Mash-Up
20.  DARE Ringtone Advert
21.  GES Mobile Games Trailer
22.  Celebrity Take Down Phase 1 DVD Trailer
23.  Feel Good Inc /De La Soul
MTV Europe Music Awards Performance
24.  Feel Up (Live)
25.  Dirty Harry
Brit Awards Live Performance
26.  El Manana
Live In Harlem
27.  Brit Awards Rehearsal Performance
28.  Gorillaz Live In Harlem Sting
29.  Hip Hop Machine Ident
30.  Mexican Jailer Ident
31.  Fairground Ident
32.  Capsule Hotel Ident
33.  On The Island G Bite
34.  The Lost G Bite
35.  Noodle VMA Acceptance Speech
36.  Murdoc's Alternative Queen's Speech
37.  Murdoc's Record Company 'Thank You'
38.  Noodle Dare Interview
39.  MTV Cribs
40.  Monks Montage
41.  Polar Bear Gags
42.  End Credits
Phase 2: Slow Boat To Hades
43.  Murdoch's Alternative Queen's Speech (Outtakes)
44.  New York Live Puppet Intro
45.  We Are Happy Landfill
46.  Website Walkthrough, Kong Studios Tour
47.  2D And Murdoc in New York
48.  Feel Good Inc
Audio Commentary
49.  Murdoc 6.6.6 Animation
2. DVD video tartalma:
1.  Slow Boat To Hades ECD Games
hangsávok(DD 5.1), (DD 2.0)
felirat nyelvek
régiókód   [ PAL ]   (???)
Fontos információ a régiókódokról!
képarány1.78:1 (16:9 / Letterbox)

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