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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Anthology (2CD) CD

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Anthology (2CD)
38 Special
első megjelenés éve: 2001

2 x CD
10.857 Ft 


Kiveszem a kosaramból!
1. CD tartalma:
1.  Rockin' into the Night
2.  Stone Cold Believer
3.  Money Honey
4.  Hold on Loosely
5.  Long Time Gone
6.  Take Me Back
7.  Wild-Eyed Southern Boys
8.  Fantasy Girl
9.  Hittin' and Runnin'
10.  Caught Up in You
11.  Chain Lightnin'
12.  Rough-Housin'
13.  You Keep Runnin' Away
14.  Prisoners of Rock and Roll
15.  Twentieth Century Fox
16.  Long Distance Affair
17.  One Time for Old Times
18.  Take 'Em Out [Live]
2. CD tartalma:
1.  If I'd Been the One
2.  Back Where You Belong
3.  Teacher, Teacher
4.  Sombody Like You
5.  Like No Other Night
6.  Back to Paradise
7.  Rock and Roll Strategy
8.  Second Chance
9.  The Sound of Your Voice
10.  Last Thing I Ever Do
11.  Rebel to Rebel
12.  Fade to Blue
13.  Deja Voodoo
14.  Homeless Guitar
15.  Saving Grace
16.  Just One Girl

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