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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Step Inside Love - A Jazzy Tribute to The Beatles CD

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Step Inside Love - A Jazzy Tribute to The Beatles
3&, Alex Domshot, Ben Darwish, Benavent / Di Geraldo / Pardo, Brad Mehldau, Connie Evingson, Debbie Deane, Gephart Long Quartet, Ian Shaw, Joe DeRenzo, Joel Frahm, John Fremgen, Judy Wexler, Kathleen Grace, Laurence Elder, Liquid Blue, Lisa Lauren, Michael Wolff, Mike Miller, Mitchel Forman, Sean Wayland, The Pamela Hines Trio, Tresa Sauer, Vinnie Zummo, Wayne Brasel
első megjelenés éve: 2007

2 x CD


Kiveszem a kosaramból!
1. CD tartalma:
1.  Here There & Everywhere
Mitchel Forman
2.  Imagine
Laurence Elder
3.  Dear Prudence
John Fremgen
4.  For No One
Debbie Deane
5.  Mother's Nature Son
Joel Frahm & Brad Mehldau
6.  The Word
Lisa Lauren
7.  Julia
Mike Miller
8.  I Am the Walrus
Mike Miller
9.  Come Together
Tresa Sauer
10.  Across the Universe
Sean Wayland
11.  She's a Woman
Joe DeRenzo
12.  I Will
The Pamela Hines Trio
2. CD tartalma:
1.  Fab Gear
Vinnie Zummo
2.  Wait
Connie Evingson
3.  Michelle
Benavent / Di Geraldo / Pardo
4.  Step Inside Love
Ian Shaw
5.  Hey Bulldog
Ben Darwish
6.  All You Need Is Love
Liquid Blue
7.  Strawberry Fields Forever
Wayne Brasel
8.  Blackbird
Kathleen Grace
9.  The Fool On the Hill
Alex Domshot
10.  In My Life
Judy Wexler
11.  Because
12.  Eleanor Rigby
Gephart Long Quartet
13.  Imagine / Nefertiti
Michael Wolff

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