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Ain't Misbehavin'
Jimmy Ponder, John Hicks, Don Braden, Dwayne Dolphin, Cecil Brooks
első megjelenés éve: 2000

3.906 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1.  On Broadway
2.  Sunny
3.  I'll Remember April
4.  Who Can I Turn To
5.  Three Little Words
6.  My One And Only Love
7.  Summertime
8.  Man Ain't Got No Thing On Me
9.  Wave
10.  All Blues
11.  Ain't Misbehavin'

Jimmy Ponder- guitar; Don Braden- tenor saxophone; John Hicks- piano; Dwayne Dolphin III- bass/piccolo bass; Cecil Brooks III- drums

Put Pittsburgh guitarist Jimmy Ponder in a recording studio and he acts like a magnet for the best names in jazz. Surrounded by the likes of Don Braden, John Hicks, Dwayne Dolphin and Cecil Brooks III, Ponder and the band swing ("Three Little Words"), dream ("I�ll Remember April"), groove ("The Man Ain't Got No Thing on Me") and bossa ("Wave") through the session in great style. Jimmy's latest record combines the excitement of a club date with the control of the studio and shows why the Pittsburgh Post Gazette hailed Jimmy Ponder as "the Segovia of Jazz!"

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