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Vissza a kereséshez
Live [ ÉLŐ ]
Ahmad Jamal
első megjelenés éve: 2002
60 perc

DVD video
4.446 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1.  Appreciation
2.  Morning Of The Carnival
3.  My Funny Valentine
4.  One
5.  Bogata
6.  Autumn Leaves
7.  One
* Ahmad Jamal
* Gary Burton
* Subu Adeyloa
* Crosley Payton

This 60 minute DVD features the Ahmad Jamal Trio performing two complete sets including 7 songs. The first set features Ahmad Jamal and his Trio and the second set features the Ahmad Jamal Trio with Gary Burton.

A unique opportunityito seeia unique performer creatingia unique sound!

"I believe in improvisation. All musicians improvise. Even Bach, Mozart and Beethoven improvised. Improvisation and freedom are synonymous. The goal of every musician is to be free, but freedom is rare."

"I've tried every context imaginable, but the trio is the most demanding. it's very difficult to get an orchestral sound out the trio, but we do because I think orchestrally. The trio allows me a lot of space. I can play solo piano, duets with the bassist, drums and piano. Playing at optimum level is the challenge. What's necessary for me is establishing a meaningful statement musically; and my experiences dictate certain musical utterances; and my training and inherent sense of judgment all feed into this. The value lies in my skill to interpret a song.

"It's always exciting for me to sit down at the piano, and every time I do, something new happens, something surprises me, or I surprise myself. I played One twice last night and it was like a new song each time. That's the reason there's no such thing as old music. The wonderful thing about music is that it's ageless."
-Ahmad Jamal

Set 1
Ahmad Jamal Trio,
Ahmad Jamal-Piano, Crosley Payton-Drums, Subu Adeyloa-Bass
Appreciation (8mns 34secs)
Morning of the Carnival (10mins 36secs)
My Funny Valentine (5mns 52 secs)
One (10mins 3secs)

Set 2
Ahmad Jamal Trio with Gary Burton,
Gary Burton-Vibes, Ahmad Jamal-Piano, Crosley Payton-Drums, Subu Adeyloa-Bass
Bogata (13mns 40secs)
Autumn Leaves (5mns 29secs)
One (9mns 26secs)

* Biography
* Discography
* Individual Track Selection
hangsávokangol (DD 2.0)
felirat nyelvek
régiókód   [ NTSC ]
Fontos információ a régiókódokról!
képarány1.33:1 (4:3 / TV)

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