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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Chicago Revisited - Live at Joe Segal's Jazz Showcase[ ÉLŐ ] CD

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Chicago Revisited - Live at Joe Segal's Jazz Showcase [ ÉLŐ ]
Ahmad Jamal
első megjelenés éve: 1992
60 perc

3.726 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1.  All the Things You Are
2.  Daahoud
3.  Tater Pie
4.  Bellows
5.  Blue Gardenia
6.  Dance to the Lady
7.  Be My Love
8.  Where Are You?
9.  Lullaby of Birdland
Jazz / Post-Bop; Mainstream Jazz

Recorded: Nov 13-14, 1992, Joe Segal's Jazz Showcase in the Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, Illinois

For all its understated power, Ahmad Jamal's music can still achieve the grand gesture that sweeps together those myriad small details he has scattered along the way. On this weekend in Chicago, 1992, Jamal brought forth music as strong, as intricate, and as well-realized as any previously captured in his long career. Don't mistake that claim for hyperbole: on this disc, you'll hear the ageless Jamal at the top of his game. -- Neil Tesser
Includes liner notes by Neil Tesser

Ahmad Jamal - piano
John Heard - bass
Yoron Israel - drums

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