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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Live Over Ireland - Water from the Well[ ÉLŐ ] DVD video

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Live Over Ireland - Water from the Well [ ÉLŐ ]
The Chieftains, Antón Requeixo, Cacháito, Coro Folklorico, Cyro Baptista, Diego Bouzón, Eliot Fisk, Fernando Olbes, Hipólito Cabezas, Jefferey Lesser, Julio Pereira, Kepa Junkera, Lance Doss, Linda Ronstadt, Los Lobos, Matte Congrio, Paddy Moloney, Pancho Alvarez, Pancho Amat, Piuo Leiva, Raquel Zozaya, Ry Cooder, Steve Cooney, Ultreia Choir, Wenceslao Cabezas
első megjelenés éve: 2000
110 perc
Irish Folk / World

DVD video
3.582 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1.  Bean An Fhir Rua
2.  The Kilfenora Set
3.  The May Morning Dew
4.  The Galician Set
5.  Dusty Miller
6.  Live From Matt Molloy's Pub
7.  First House Of Connaught
8.  Guadalupe
9.  An Poc Ar Buile
10.  The Dingle Set
11.  Planxty George Barabazon
12.  The Donegal Set
13.  The Star Of The County Down
14.  How We Got Together
15.  Paddy At The House Of Conroy
16.  Chieftains Into The Music
17.  Back To The Roots
18.  "Water From The Well"
19.  Turning Professional
20.  Working Together And Apart
21.  "The Music Industry"
22.  "The Menagerie"
23.  Closing Credits
24.  Guadalupe
The Chieftains, Linda Ronstadt, Los Lobos
25.  Maneo
The Chieftains, Paddy Moloney, Jefferey Lesser, Cyro Baptista, Eliot Fisk
26.  Txalaparta
The Chieftains, Julio Pereira, Kepa Junkera
27.  Nao Vas Ao Mar, Toino
The Chieftains, Lance Doss, Julio Pereira
28.  Dum Paterfamilias - Ad Honorem
The Chieftains, Fernando Olbes, Ultreia Choir
29.  Galician Ouverture
The Chieftains, Steve Cooney, Hipólito Cabezas, Antón Requeixo, Pancho Alvarez, Diego Bouzón
30.  Galleguita - Tutankhamen
The Chieftains, Ry Cooder, Coro Folklorico, Raquel Zozaya, Piuo Leiva, Pancho Amat, Cacháito
31.  Dublin In Vigo
The Chieftains, Matte Congrio, Wenceslao Cabezas
hangsávokangol (DD 5.1), angol (DD 2.0)
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régiókód   [ PAL ]
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képarány1.78:1 (16:9 / Anamorphic)

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