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 top 20 
Keresés: ( 2 találat )
Don't Forget The Motor City (3DVD) [ ÉLŐ ]
Barbara Randolph, Bettye LaVette, Billy Preston, Bobby Taylor, Brenda Holloway, C.P. Spencer, Carolyn Crawford, Chuck Jackson, Edwin Starr, Frances Nero, Frank Wilson, Frankie Gaye, G.C. Cameron of The Detroit Spinners, Hattie Littles, Ivy Jo Hunter, J.J. Barnes (James Jay Barnes), James Ellis of The Satintones, Joe Stubbs, Johnny Bristol, Kim Weston, Liz Lands, Martha Reeves, Marv Johnson, Mary Wells, Mary Wilson, Pat Lewis, Richard "Popcorn" Wylie, Ronnie McNeir, Sammy Ward, Saundra Edwards, Sherri Taylor, Sidney Barnes, Sisters Love, Syreeta, The Andantes, The Contours, The Elgins, The Lovetones, The Marvelettes, The Miracles, The Monitors, The Motorcity All Stars, The Saintones, The Supremes, The Valadiers, The Vandellas, The Velvelettes, Vee McDonald of The Undisputed Truth, Vermettya Royster, Wanda Rogers, Willie Hutch, Yvonne Vernee of The Elgins
(2007 / 2008)

3 x DVD video
6.249 Ft 
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Memories & Souvenirs: Contemporary Soul from The 80s 90s & 00s
Barbara Lynn, Bettye LaVette, Billy Griffin, Chuck Jackson, Edwin Starr, Frances Nero, Frankie Gaye, Freda Payne, Jean Terrell, Johnny Bristol, Pat Lewis, Ronnie McNeir, Susaye Greene, Syreeta, The Monitors, The Velvelettes

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CD, DVD ajánlatok:

Progresszív Rock

Magyar CD

Jazz CD, DVD, Blu-Ray