Budapestrocknroll: Compilation Vol. 4. (+DVD) |
Blind Myself, Bridge To Solace, Cadaveres, Chief Rebel Angel, Fish!, Gloaming, Goldenbrown, Hippikiller, Hollywoodoo, Insane, Isten Háta Mögött, Locust On The Saddle, Mangod Inc., Mantra, Nuke, Replika, Saint Petrol, Shell Beach, Solution, Subscribe, Sunworkshop, Superbutt, Szeg, Téglás Zoli, The Idoru, VL45, Wackor, Wendigo |
[ + DVD ]
2 x CD |
Kérjen árajánlatot! |
Budapestrocknroll: Compilation Vol. 5. |
Blind Myself, Bridge To Solace, Embers, Fish!, Flying TV, Hatóságilag Tilos, Kelly Hits the Blue Sky, Mangod Inc., Óriás, Saint Petrol, Shapat Terror, Shell Beach, Solution, Subscribe, Superbutt, Tesstimony, The Idoru, Turbo, Velvet Stab |
CD |
2.028 Ft
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