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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Donizetti: Lammermoori Lucia [VAI] / Donizetti: Lucia di Lammermoor [Cillario] [VAI] DVD video

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Donizetti: Lammermoori Lucia [VAI]
Donizetti: Lucia di Lammermoor [Cillario] [VAI]
Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848)
Anna Maria Segatori (szoprán), Anna Moffo (szoprán), Glauco Scarlini (tenor), Kozma Lajos (tenor), Pietro di Vietri (tenor), Giulio Fioravanti (bariton), Paolo Washington (basszus), Milan RAI Chorus (vegyeskórus), Mario Lanfranchi (videorendező), Carlo Felice Cillario (karmester), Rome Symphony Orchestra (zenekar)
első megjelenés éve: 1971
108 perc
Opera / Film

DVD video
5.904 Ft 


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1.  Lucia di Lammermoor
(Lammermoori Lucia)

Anna Maria Segatori (szoprán), Anna Moffo (szoprán), Glauco Scarlini (tenor), Kozma Lajos (tenor), Pietro di Vietri (tenor), Giulio Fioravanti (bariton), Paolo Washington (basszus), Milan RAI Chorus (vegyeskórus), Mario Lanfranchi (videorendező), Carlo Felice Cillario (karmester), Rome Symphony Orchestra (zenekar)
Opera (dramma tragico) in 2 (or 3) acts
Libretto: Salvatore Cammarano [Based: Sir Walter Scott: The bride of Lammermoor]
First performance: 26. Sep. 1835, Naples (Napoli), Teatro San Carlo

Lucia: Anna Moffo
Edgardo: Lajos Kozma
Enrico: Giulio Fioravanti
Arturo: Pietro di Vietri
Raimondo: Paolo Washington
Alisa: Anna Maria Segatori
Normanno: Glauco Scarlini

Lucia Di Lammermoor entered my life at an auspicious time. I made my operatic debut in 1956 as Cio-Cio-San in a RAI production on Madama Butterfly that was telecast through Europe. Offers to sing more Butterflys flooded in. but I felt it was too early in my career to sing such a dramatic role on a regular basis. When a surprising offer came to sing Lucia at the opera house in Novara, just outside of Milan, I accepted, despite having to learn the role in only six days! In retrospect, I'm very glad that I had never seen Lucia performed before I sang it, for, if I had fully realized its difficulties, I might never have attempted it. Lucia's vulnerability and strength, her progressive madness-all these qualities must be projected while sustaining an evening's worth of vocal pyrotechnics. In the end, however, I has to thank Donizetti and Sir Walter Scott for challenging me-and rewarding me, since, as with most things in life, the greater the difficulties, the greater the rewards.
-Anna Moffo

Produced by: B.L. Vision
Director: Mario Lanfranchi
Weboldal:VAI Music
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