Keresés: CLINIC ( 4 találat ) |
A helyszínelők Crime Scene Investigation - CSI: |
Badmarsh & Shri, Bliss, Clinic, Curve, Euphoria, Grand Theft Audio, Hooverphonic, John M. Keane, New Order, Robbie Robertson, The Chambers Brothers, The Wallflowers, The Who, Timo Maas, Zero 7 |
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Hallam Foe |
Bill Wells, Bill Wells Trio, Cinema, Clinic, Franz Ferdinand, Future Pilot AKA, Hood, James Yorkston And The Athletes, Juana Molina, Junior Boys, Movietone, Orange Juice, Psapp, Sons and Daughters, The King Creosote, U.N.P.O.C., Woodbine |
(2006 / 2007)
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The Sound City Sessions |
Ash (észak-ir), Basement Jaxx, Boo Radleys, Cast, Cay, Clinic, Coldplay, Feeder, Garbage, Guided By Voices, Les Rythmes Digitales, Longpigs, Oasis, Pavement, Reef, Salako, Suede, Travis |
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Thirteen |
Anet, Carmen Rizzo, Clinic, Folk Implosion, Iffy, Imperial Teen, Katy Rose, Kinky, Liz Phair, Mark Mothersbaugh, MC 900 feat. Jesus, Orlando Brown, The Freshmaka, The Like, The Tormentos |
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