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Keresés: STYLOO ( 4 találat )
Italo Disco - Hits of the 80s Volume 1 (2CD)
49'ers, Alan Berry, Alan Ross, Albert One, Aleph, Baby's Gang, Brian Ice, Carrara, Cyber People, Doctor's Cat, Electric Shock, F.P.I.Project, Fun Fun, Grant Miller, Hypnosis, J.D. Jaber, Joe Yellow, K.B. Caps, Kano, Ken Laszlo, Koto, Laserdance, Lee Marrow, Max-Him, Michael Bedford, Mike Cannon, Mike Mareen (p.n.: Uwe-Michael Wischhof), Miko Mission, P. Lion, Radiorama, Ranko, Ryan Paris, Sandy Marton, Scotch, Silver Pozzoli, Styloo, Valerie Dore

2 x CD
5.169 Ft 
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Italo Disco - Hits of the 80s Volume 3 (2CD)
Albert One, Atrium, Black Box, Brian Ice, Chip Chip, Cruisin' Gang, Danuta, F.R. David, Fun Fun, Grant Miller, Interface, Joe Yellow, Kano, Ken Laszlo, Kinky Go, Koto, La Playa del Sol, Lee Marrow, Linda Jo Rizzo, Martinelli, Max Coveri, Meccano, Mike Mareen (p.n.: Uwe-Michael Wischhof), Mozzart, Patty Ryan, Paul Sharada, Radiorama, Roxanne, Sabrina, Scotch, Silver Pozzoli, Solo, Sophie, Styloo, Wish Key

2 x CD
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Italo Disco Collection 2 (2CD)
Alan Berry, Albert One, Brian Ice, Chip Chip, Duke Lake, Funny Twins, Jessica, Jimmy & Suzy, Joe Yellow, Koto, Lala, Magazine 60, Max Coveri, Midnight Passion, Ninja, P. Lion, Patty Ryan, S 50, Savage, Solo, Styloo

2 x CD
4.492 Ft 
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Italo Disco Collection 5 (3CD)
Camaro's Gang, Chip Chip, Claudia T., Coo Coo, Cruisin' Gang, Deborah, Digital Ram, DJ's Project, Duke Lake, Gina, Jackie Touche, Joe Yellow, Josy, Jules, K.B. Caps, King Kong & D'Jungle Girls, L'Affair, Lian Ross, Lou Stern, Max-Him, Paula Evans, Perestroika Power, Psychic Interface, Roger Meno, Sauvage, Shipra, Styloo, Tabu D'Apache, Thomas & Schubert

3 x CD
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