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Keresés: JAMES FAGAN ( 1 találat )
Beginner's Guide to English Folk (3CD)
A.L. Lloyd, Alan Hull, Andrew Cronshaw, Anne Briggs, Barry Dransfield, Bert Jansch, Dave Swabrick, Davy Graham, Decameron, Dolly Collins, Eliza Carthy, Ewan MacColl, Gerry Rafferty, Gordon Giltrap, Gryphon, Harvey Andrews, Humblebums, James Fagan, Jim Causley, John James, John Renbourn Group, John Tams, June Tabor, Kate Rusby, Lal Waterson, Marc Brierley, Martin Carthy, Martin Simpson, Mike Waterson, Mr. Fox, Nancy Kerr, Nic Jones, Oliver Knight, Ralph McTell, Sallyangie, Shirley Collins, Silly Wizard, Spiers & Boden, Steve Tilston, Sweeney's Men, The Copper Family, The Devil's Interval, The Pentangle, The Watersons, Tim Van Eyken, Tunng, Waterson Carthy, Young Tradition

3 x CD
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CD, DVD ajánlatok:

Progresszív Rock

Magyar CD

Jazz CD, DVD, Blu-Ray