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Keresés: THE TWANG ( 3 találat )
Love It When I Feel Like This
The Twang

4.270 Ft 
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Manchester: North of England - A Story of Independent Music Greater Manchester 1977-1993 (7CD)
48 Chairs, 52nd Street, 808 State, A Certain Ratio, A Guy Called Gerald, A Witness, Adventure Babies, Alberto y Lost Trios Paranoias, Ambitious Beggars, Any Trouble, Asia Fields, Bandit Queen, Barry Adamson, Bee Vamp, Bet Lynch's Legs, Big Ed & His Rocking Rattlesnakes, Big Flame, Biting Tongues, Blue Orchids, Bradford, Buzzcocks, Carmel, Chapter And The Verse, Chris Sievey (Christopher Mark Sievey), Crispy Ambulance, Cygnet Ring, Danny Boys, Desert Wolves, Dislocation Dance, Dub Sex, Durutti Column, Easterhouse, Edward Barton, Electronic, Eric Random (Eric Ramsden), Fallover 24, Fast Cars, Foreign-Press, Frantic Elevators, Gods Gift, Great Leap Forward, Grow-Up, Hamsters, Happy Mondays, Harlem Spirit, Hypnotone, Inca Babies, Inspiral Carpets, Intastella, James, Jane (Jane Lancester), Jazz Defektors, Jean Go Solo, Jerks, Jilted John (Graham Fellows), John Cooper Clarke, John The Postman (Jonathan Ormrod), Johnny Dangerously (John Bramwell), Joy Division, Kill Laura, King Of The Slums, Kiss AMC, Krispy 3, Laugh, Life (Manchester band), Lionrock, Ludus, Magazine, Manicured Noise, Marcel King, MC Buzz B (Sean Braithwaite), MC Tunes Vs 808 State, Meat Mouth, Metro Trinity, Miaow, Mirrors Over Kiev, Molly Half Head, Monkey Run, Morrissey, New Fast Automatic Daffodils, New Order, Nico & The Invisible Girls (Christa Paffgen), Northside, Oasis, Paperboys, Paris Angels, Puressence, Quando Quango, Rainkings, Raintree County, Revenge, Robinson, Ruthless Rap Assassins, Salford Jets, Section 25, Shaun Ryder (Shaun William George Ryder), She Cracked, Slaughter & The Dogs, Smack, Spherical Objects, Steve Miro (Stephen John Escott), Stockholm Monsters, Stone Roses, Sub Sub, Suns of Arqa, Swamp Children, Swirl, Syncopation, T-Coy, The Bodines, The Chameleons, The Charlatans, The Chemical Brothers, The Days, The Diagram Bros, The Distractions, The Drones, The Fall, The Freshies, The High, The Man From Delmonte, The Manchester Mekon, The Membranes, The Mock Turtles, The Mothmen, The Nosebleeds, The Passage, The Reegs, The Smirks, The Sun And The Moon, The Tiller Boys, The Twang, The Weeds, Thirst, Too Much Texas, Tools You Can Trust, TOT, Train Set, Us, V2, Waltones, What? Noise, Wonky Alice, World Of Twist, X-O-Dus (originally Exodus), Yargo

7 x CD
26.481 Ft 
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XBox Soundtracks present... Start
Enter Shikari, Fall Out Boy, Just Jack, Kaiser Chiefs, Kasabian, Kings of Leon, Klaxons, Marilyn Manson, Razorlight, Scissor Sisters, Sum 41, The Automatic (Welsh), The Feeling, The Fratellis, The Killers, The Twang, Wolfmother

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