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Keresés: SUE WILSHAW ( 1 találat )
Am I Dreaming? - 80 Brit Girl Sounds of The 60s (3CD)
Adrienne Poster, Angelina (Jacqueline Mumford), Antoinette (Marie Antoinette Daly), Barbara Ewing, Barbara Ruskin, Barry St. John, Beryl Marsden, Billie Davis, Birds of a Feather, Butterflies, Caravelles, Carrolls, Cheryl St. Clair (Cheryl Carlisa Cocklin), Christine Perfect, Christine Quaite, Cilla Black, Cinnamon, Clodagh Rodgers, Dusty Springfield, Elkie Brooks, Exceptions, Flamma Sherman, Friday Brown (Marian Stockley), Gillian Hills, Glenda Collins, Greta Ann, Helen Shapiro, Jacki Martin, Jackie Trent, Jacky (Jacqueline Norah Flood), Jan Dalton, Jan Panter, Judi Scott (Jacki Bond), Kathy Kirby, Kiki Dee, Kim Davis, Lesley Duncan, Lorraine Child, Louise Cordet, Lulu, Marianne Faithfull, Marilyn Powell, Maureen Evans (Welsh singer), Maxine Nightingale, Maynell Wilson, Mellow Candle, New Faces, Nicola Davies, Nola York, Norma Lee, Peanut, Petula Clark, Samantha Jones, Sandie Shaw, Sandy Edmonds, Squibby And The Reflections, Sue & Sunshine, Sue Wilshaw, Susan Hampshire, Sylvia McNeill, Tammy St. John (Judith Coster), The Carols, The Dollies, The Springfields, The Vernons Girls, Tina Charles, Triplets, Truly Smith (Josephine Taylor), Val And The V's

3 x CD
11.793 Ft 
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